I am very excited to say that we have three new products to add to our store. Before I get to photographing and adding them I thought I’d kick start the week with a splash of colour. The photograph seen below, was taken just around the corner from where we live. It really is gorgeous to look at, especially while waiting for the bus.
Photograph by Shoshanah Shear
The municipality in Jerusalem is wonderful the way they add beauty to the roads with these attractive islands. The traffic circles are also rather beautiful. I hope to share a few in some other posts.
The image here really says it all! Actually, today happens to be the start of a new month. So I should wish you Chodesh Tov U’Mevorach and well as Shavuah Tov. May your week and month ahead be filled with beauty and colour.
I have quite a few more photographs to add to our series of showing the beauty of Jerusalem. I am absolutely loving the opportunity to take out my phone camera and capture an image as I go about my daily chores, errands and work. I hope you will enjoy these posts as much as I enjoy sourcing the subject material for the range of images that I hope to share.
If you like this photograph and the theme of this series of posts, please become a Patron. You can show your support with even just $1. Your tip can help me to continue sharing more of the beauty of Jerusalem.
This post is prepared for you by
Occupational Therapist, healing facilitator,
certified infant massage instructor, freelance writer, author of “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story” and co-author of “Tuvia Finds His Freedom“.