I have a lot of work to do on this website, but first, I decided to answer a recent question. Someone asked me why I became an artist. The truth is I could turn that around and ask why I did not become an artist or did I? What do I mean by that? Well I mean why did not choose art as my profession.
Actually, I did but I was advised to become an Occupational Therapist and leave art for when I retire. The thing is that I love art. I love to be creative. I use art in all kinds of ways whenever and wherever I can. So even though I became an occupational therapist, the art comes shining through. I use it to create worksheets or to come up with a book. I use art and creativity when making up equipment or when preparing a treatment session. I just love art. I love to create in all kinds of ways.
As a child, the subjects or extra murals that I enjoyed the most were all creative in some way. Music, dance, pottery, making shell pictures, painting, drawing. I even learned a little woodwork. I learned to weave and to sew. I learned to make papyrus and to write as they did in Mesopotamia of old. I learned a little about gardening and a lot about life through creating and creativity. I guess that is why I like to consider my OT practice as “Creating Health Through Occupational Therapy” with the emphasis on creating.
I know I was advised to leave art until I retire. But I have so many ideas and crafts and art or arts and crafts are so much part of who I am and the services that I offer that developing a store in order to sell my art just makes a whole lot of sense.
In addition to my art, I love to do creative things with my husband and with my Mom. As a result, I intend to start adding products or items by each of us or combined. In another post I’ll share about my latest project. It is so extremely exciting. It combines my mother’s creativity with my own artistic skills, with a dream we’ve had for ages and with my husband’s creative and technical skills. It’s been the best fun. We have a way to go yet, but stay tuned for the story of what we are creating.
In the meantime, to answer the question of why I became an artist. Well, I really can’t remember not creating in some form or another. It’s in my blood, it’s who I am and it is part of my family too!
This post is prepared for you by Shoshanah Shear, occupational therapist, healing facilitator, certified infant massage instructor, artist, freelance writer, author of “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story” and co-author of “Tuvia Finds His Freedom“.