There is something very special about Purim. To begin with it’s a festival that is all about joy, all about being happy and bringing happiness to others. Purim is a day that we discover the hiddenness of Hashem and reveal His kindness and mercy in a way that is filled with sensitivity. Purim is a time to internalize that even when everything seems impossible, the tables can and do turn and redemption is possible. One of the greatest gifts of Purim is that it is the great equalizer.
Continue reading “Purim – The Great Equalizer”Tag: Jerusalem
Showing Our Support for Jerusalem Even from the Door Post
There is all kind of art and creativity that can be seen in the homes in Jerusalem. One example is found right from the door post in the form of the decorative Mezuzah cases used to put up the Mezuzah.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, today we are going a little more indoors. I do have a lovely post related to the Jerusalem municipality’s efforts to enhance the beauty of Jerusalem. However, I got sidetracked at the front door. Or should I say a number of front doors.
(more…)Wishing You a Good Week with a Splash of Colour
I am very excited to say that we have three new products to add to our store. Before I get to photographing and adding them I thought I’d kick start the week with a splash of colour. The photograph seen below, was taken just around the corner from where we live. It really is gorgeous to look at, especially while waiting for the bus.
Continue reading “Wishing You a Good Week with a Splash of Colour”Finding Inspiration in Jerusalem’s Nature
It’s always a busy time during Elul with the run of to the Jewish New Year. If one makes the best of the month of Elul, you will have spent some time reflecting on the year that has been and preparing for the year ahead. You may have noticed our worksheet, available on this website, to assist you in Preparing for Rosh HaShanah. If you completed the worksheet, you will already have the beginnings of your road map for the year 5778. If you have not done so, not to worry, you can still obtain the worksheet. The questions are just as relevant even though Rosh HaShanah is already behind us.
Continue reading “Finding Inspiration in Jerusalem’s Nature”