One of the greatest creations of Jerusalem was the Holy Temple. Both Temples were huge, impressive structures with a tremendous amount of detail. The artwork and architecture all followed careful instruction relayed to Moshe Rabeinu (Moses our teacher) by G-d. This took place when Moshe received the Torah on Mount Sinai. Much of the information of what was told to Moshe is written down in the Chumash.
Tag: Beauty of Jerusalem
Finding Beauty in an Elevator
I apologize for the delay in posting for my thread of the beauty of Jerusalem. This post is all about the beauty one can find in an elevator. Strange topic? Perhaps! Stay with me for a little and I will show you what beauty one can find even in an elevator.
Continue reading “Finding Beauty in an Elevator”Discovering the Jerusalem Tile Project
Last week I promised a very special thread. Well here it is…. If you take a walk down the stone / cobbled section of Agrippas Street towards King George Street in Jerusalem, you will find this fun, beautiful project. In the image above, we see a beautiful mosaic. Next to it is a plaque.
Last week I promised a very special thread. Well here it is…. If you take a walk down the stone / cobbled section of Agrippas Street towards King George Street in Jerusalem, you will find this fun, beautiful project. In the image above, we see a beautiful mosaic. Next to it is a plaque.
(more…)Showing Our Support for Jerusalem Even from the Door Post
There is all kind of art and creativity that can be seen in the homes in Jerusalem. One example is found right from the door post in the form of the decorative Mezuzah cases used to put up the Mezuzah.
As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, today we are going a little more indoors. I do have a lovely post related to the Jerusalem municipality’s efforts to enhance the beauty of Jerusalem. However, I got sidetracked at the front door. Or should I say a number of front doors.
(more…)One of Our Many Beautiful Traffic Circles
In the previous post highlighting the beauty of Jerusalem, we shared a splash of colour. As mentioned in that post, the beautiful flowers are to be found in an island down the centre of the road. The photograph above shows another traffic circle. This one has a statue as well.
In the previous post highlighting the beauty of Jerusalem, we shared a splash of colour. As mentioned in that post, the beautiful flowers are to be found in an island down the centre of the road. The photograph above shows another traffic circle. This one has a statue as well.
(more…)Wishing You a Good Week with a Splash of Colour
I am very excited to say that we have three new products to add to our store. Before I get to photographing and adding them I thought I’d kick start the week with a splash of colour. The photograph seen below, was taken just around the corner from where we live. It really is gorgeous to look at, especially while waiting for the bus.
Continue reading “Wishing You a Good Week with a Splash of Colour”Looking Out Through the Door
The photograph below was taken when I was on my way home from work. I noticed this open gate or door. It always fascinates me how may apartments in Jerusalem can seem like just a door in the roadside but behind it there is a whole house or more.
Continue reading “Looking Out Through the Door”Enjoying the Beauty of Jerusalem
A few weeks ago, I shared in a post, a some images of the beauty of Jerusalem. When I was out doing some errands today, I decided it might be fun to have a regular thread going on this site with some fun, beautiful, heartwarming photographs that show the beauty of Jerusalem.
Continue reading “Enjoying the Beauty of Jerusalem”The Beauty of Jerusalem
Do you love to sing? Do you love music? I do. I love all forms of creativity and creative expression as long as they are used in a beautiful way to increase goodness and kindness. I have many ideas to share about creativity and our creations that we are beginning to sell via this website. In the meantime, I would like to put this website in context.
Continue reading “The Beauty of Jerusalem”