The photograph below was taken when I was on my way home from work. I noticed this open gate or door. It always fascinates me how may apartments in Jerusalem can seem like just a door in the roadside but behind it there is a whole house or more.
Photograph by Shoshanah Shear
I peeped inside and then turned to look back, through the door and out to the road. I loved the effect. Sadly the image above is not quite the same as what I saw in person.
I loved the patterns on the tiled floor. I loved the darkness around the door frame, juxtaposed with the light and beauty outside. This really was like looking at light at the end of a tunnel. I loved seeing the contrast of the wall that looks as though it is still being built to the greenery and life outside.
I even found the arrangements of fallen leaves to be fascinating.
Well, that’s my photo for the day. A little bit of something to show some of the beauty of Jerusalem. A little of what one can see when looking out through the door to a scene of Jerusalem.
Occupational Therapist, healing facilitator,
certified infant massage instructor, freelance writer, author of “Healing Your Life Through Activity – An Occupational Therapist’s Story” and co-author of “Tuvia Finds His Freedom“.
Open doors fascinate me with their endless possibilities… I love this photo. Thank you for sharing.
If you have an active imagination, like I do, you can spend hours thinking about this, which actually seems to be 2 open doors. As I wrote above, I love it!
Yes, this is two open doors.
Thanks for your comment, I also found myself considering all kinds of possibilities from this image.