Purim – The Great Equalizer

There is something very special about Purim. To begin with it’s a festival that is all about joy, all about being happy and bringing happiness to others. Purim is a day that we discover the hiddenness of Hashem and reveal His kindness and mercy in a way that is filled with sensitivity. Purim is a time to internalize that even when everything seems impossible, the tables can and do turn and redemption is possible. One of the greatest gifts of Purim is that it is the great equalizer.

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When Should we Begin Purim Preparations?

When should we begin Purim Preparations? While those following the secular calendar are still talking about goals for the new year of 2020, in the Jewish calendar we have other activities on the horizon. The stores are filling up with a range of fruits and dried fruits for Tisha B’Av. As we looked at the fun items on display this week, my mind began to think about the festival that comes after that.

Is it too early to begin preparing for Purim? When is the right time to prepare for Purim? In the video below, the last Lubavitcher Rebbe talks about 30 days prior to Purim. We are a little before 30 days. Is it too early to think about Purim?

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Setting Up Our Landing Page

Image for our Discount Coupon Special

I’ve been rather slow in getting my email newsletter up and running and taking it further. I’ve had a few members, but nothing like what it needs to be. One of the details that definitely slowed me down was the practicality of how to set up a landing page. I had read about Lead Pages but did not have the funds to sign up for that. What other options were there?

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Progress and Decisions

We have so much going on that I decided to take a few moments to write a post about our progress and decisions. Just as the image above depicts the ladders up the steps in our process to succeed, so we are taking steps. Many steps. Sometimes I feel that there are not enough hours in the day to complete all the steps. But I must admit, it is wonderful to have a look at all the progress.

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