One of the greatest creations of Jerusalem was the Holy Temple. Both Temples were huge, impressive structures with a tremendous amount of detail. The artwork and architecture all followed careful instruction relayed to Moshe Rabeinu (Moses our teacher) by G-d. This took place when Moshe received the Torah on Mount Sinai. Much of the information of what was told to Moshe is written down in the Chumash.
Category: Jerusalem
Purim – The Great Equalizer
There is something very special about Purim. To begin with it’s a festival that is all about joy, all about being happy and bringing happiness to others. Purim is a day that we discover the hiddenness of Hashem and reveal His kindness and mercy in a way that is filled with sensitivity. Purim is a time to internalize that even when everything seems impossible, the tables can and do turn and redemption is possible. One of the greatest gifts of Purim is that it is the great equalizer.
Continue reading “Purim – The Great Equalizer”How Visiting Ramat Rachel is Becoming a Tour
Jerusalem is an amazing city with so many areas that one can explore. Years ago I had attended a wedding in the Simchah Hall at Ramat Rachel. The wedding was at night and it always fascinated me that here was a wedding taking place on a Kibbutz located in Jerusalem. Well on the outskirts of Jerusalem, but it’s essentially a Kibbutz within a city. Amazing, right?!
Continue reading “How Visiting Ramat Rachel is Becoming a Tour”Mishloach Manot that Bring Joy to Those in Need
The Megillat Esther Outlines a Beautiful Mitzvah
“…as the days when the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month that was reversed for them from grief to joy and from mourning to a festive day-to make them days of feasting and joy, and sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor.” – Megillat Esther 9:22
Continue reading “Mishloach Manot that Bring Joy to Those in Need”Discovering the Jerusalem Tile Project
Last week I promised a very special thread. Well here it is…. If you take a walk down the stone / cobbled section of Agrippas Street towards King George Street in Jerusalem, you will find this fun, beautiful project. In the image above, we see a beautiful mosaic. Next to it is a plaque.
Last week I promised a very special thread. Well here it is…. If you take a walk down the stone / cobbled section of Agrippas Street towards King George Street in Jerusalem, you will find this fun, beautiful project. In the image above, we see a beautiful mosaic. Next to it is a plaque.
(more…)One of Our Many Beautiful Traffic Circles
In the previous post highlighting the beauty of Jerusalem, we shared a splash of colour. As mentioned in that post, the beautiful flowers are to be found in an island down the centre of the road. The photograph above shows another traffic circle. This one has a statue as well.
In the previous post highlighting the beauty of Jerusalem, we shared a splash of colour. As mentioned in that post, the beautiful flowers are to be found in an island down the centre of the road. The photograph above shows another traffic circle. This one has a statue as well.
(more…)Looking Out Through the Door
The photograph below was taken when I was on my way home from work. I noticed this open gate or door. It always fascinates me how may apartments in Jerusalem can seem like just a door in the roadside but behind it there is a whole house or more.
Continue reading “Looking Out Through the Door”Enjoying the Beauty of Jerusalem
A few weeks ago, I shared in a post, a some images of the beauty of Jerusalem. When I was out doing some errands today, I decided it might be fun to have a regular thread going on this site with some fun, beautiful, heartwarming photographs that show the beauty of Jerusalem.
Continue reading “Enjoying the Beauty of Jerusalem”Some of the Beauty of Chanukah in the Old City
As we near the end of Chanukah, here are two photographs that show a little of the beauty and fun in the Old City of Jerusalem at Chanukah time. I walked into the Old City and smiled when I noticed these large, over-sized Sevivonim (dreidels) decorating the street as one comes near the entrance to the Jewish Quarter.
Here is another angle. They are so fun.
Continue reading “Some of the Beauty of Chanukah in the Old City”
Finding Inspiration in Jerusalem’s Nature
It’s always a busy time during Elul with the run of to the Jewish New Year. If one makes the best of the month of Elul, you will have spent some time reflecting on the year that has been and preparing for the year ahead. You may have noticed our worksheet, available on this website, to assist you in Preparing for Rosh HaShanah. If you completed the worksheet, you will already have the beginnings of your road map for the year 5778. If you have not done so, not to worry, you can still obtain the worksheet. The questions are just as relevant even though Rosh HaShanah is already behind us.
Continue reading “Finding Inspiration in Jerusalem’s Nature”