It’s always a busy time during Elul with the run of to the Jewish New Year. If one makes the best of the month of Elul, you will have spent some time reflecting on the year that has been and preparing for the year ahead. You may have noticed our worksheet, available on this website, to assist you in Preparing for Rosh HaShanah. If you completed the worksheet, you will already have the beginnings of your road map for the year 5778. If you have not done so, not to worry, you can still obtain the worksheet. The questions are just as relevant even though Rosh HaShanah is already behind us.
Continue reading “Finding Inspiration in Jerusalem’s Nature”Blog
The Beauty of Jerusalem
Do you love to sing? Do you love music? I do. I love all forms of creativity and creative expression as long as they are used in a beautiful way to increase goodness and kindness. I have many ideas to share about creativity and our creations that we are beginning to sell via this website. In the meantime, I would like to put this website in context.
Continue reading “The Beauty of Jerusalem”Preparing for the Next Items to Go Into this Store
Where do you begin when deciding to write a post? Do you begin with an image to illustrate your idea or with brainstorming about the topic you wish to write about?
Why I Became an Artist
I have a lot of work to do on this website, but first, I decided to answer a recent question. Someone asked me why I became an artist. The truth is I could turn that around and ask why I did not become an artist or did I? What do I mean by that? Well I mean why did not choose art as my profession.
Continue reading “Why I Became an Artist”Juggling the Many Tasks Necessary to Develop your Writing Path
I often receive the advice to focus on one thing. I was thinking about this and amused at just how much one has to juggle in order to achieve the one thing. Initially my one thing was developing an occupational therapy centre. Along this journey I was asked to write a book to promote OT. While working on the book I discovered a very real need for funds to achieve the goal of bringing it to print. Hence, after 50 rejections from known / recognized publishers the book was shelved for a number of years until I discovered CreateSpace and the option of pay per print self-publishing. This was like a breath of fresh air. Suddenly self-publishing became a viable option. I would not have to outlay for thousands of books or find a place to store them.
Continue reading “Juggling the Many Tasks Necessary to Develop your Writing Path”Welcome to Creations from Jerusalem
Hello and welcome to this new blog and website. I am so very excited to be sharing this website with you. I love to create and I love to be creative. I love to share gifts and beauty with others in order to make the world a better place through a variety of beautiful items.
Continue reading “Welcome to Creations from Jerusalem”