
Interview with Elliot Edelstein from Oktium


Interview with Elliot Edelstein, Director of Sales of Oktium.

Before I get into the interview, I’d like to add that I was networking with those I am connected with on Linked In and got to chatting with Elliot. I decided to take a look at the website listed next to his name and I am so delighted that I did. It’s an absolute experience. I love innovation and creative ideas, so I invited Elliot to join me here for a Q&A style interview. Without further ado, let’s get to the interview.

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Enjoying Tu’BShvat in Jerusalem

Trees in Jerusalem

The various festivals or Holy days definitely help me to feel a connection to this special land of Israel. As January came to an end and February began, we enjoyed Tu B’Shvat the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat, which is the birthday of the trees. The day before Tu B’Shvat, I was on the bus when I passed one of the beautiful parks in Jerusalem. I hoped to capture an image of the stunning trees in Jerusalem as we waited at the bus stop.

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Pomegranate De-seeding Invention from Israel

Box of Pomegranate De-seeder

We’re busy moving and I’m figuring out what to keep and what to sell. I am undecided about this item. Have you ever spent time cutting up a pomegranate? It can be a little messy but it’s fun to cut into pieces and serve on a platter. When one wishes to de-seed the pomegranate that can be more time consuming.

We were given this item a few years ago and it’s currently new in the box and un-used. When trying to figure out the price I discovered that it is kind of cool. It was designed or invented in Israel and actually won an award for innovation. Take a look at the image of the box, it states “Innovation Award”. How cool is that?

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Enjoying the Beauty from Jerusalem to Modiin

The sceneray from Jerusalem to Modiin

I have quite a number of ideas I would like to share on this blog. Ideas are piling up, mulling around in my mind. Before I get to write them up, what better place to start than to share a little more of the geographical beauty of Israel. A few days ago I had the occasion to travel from Jerusalem to Modiin. I managed to capture a little of the beauty from the window of the bus. It was not easy to do though.

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Setting Up Our Landing Page

Image for our Discount Coupon Special

I’ve been rather slow in getting my email newsletter up and running and taking it further. I’ve had a few members, but nothing like what it needs to be. One of the details that definitely slowed me down was the practicality of how to set up a landing page. I had read about Lead Pages but did not have the funds to sign up for that. What other options were there?

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Teddy Models a Beanie and Waistcoat Set

Teddy modeling a hand-knitted Beanie

My Mom and I recently decided to join a knitting circle. This meant we both needed a knitting project. For my Mom it was easy, as she is busily at work with her beanies for babies and small children. For me, it was a little more of a challenge. In the arts and crafts arena, I’m busy with a painting that I’m recycling. More about that in another post. For this post, it’s the knitting that is important. As you can see from the title, the project became a beanie and waistcoat set that Teddy is currently modeling, but let’s break that down.

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Introducing Our New Toy Turtle

Cover Images for Tuvia Finds His Freedom in Both English and Hebrew
Covers of Our book “Tuvia Finds His Freedom” in English and Hebrew.

One reason I love being an occupational therapist is that it gives me the excuse and the opportunity to be creative in a variety of different mediums. I don’t remember the full sequence of events, but somehow when I was preparing to photograph the first few beanies that my mother had knitted, I thought of knitting a toy turtle. Perhaps we had begun to remember all the knitting I had done through the years. If so, I would definitely have thought of a toy rabbit I had knitted for my cousin.

Whatever the reason, we began talking about knitting toys and that lead to my thinking of our kids book “Tuvia Finds His Freedom“. I decided that having a toy turtle would be very useful when giving a talk or doing a workshop. Since I don’t have a pet turtle, I can use the toy to teach a few ideas about tortoises and turtles. Having a demonstration doll or toy is something I am familiar with from my infant massage workshops, so this made a lot of sense to me.

From idea to completed toy has been quite a process. I searched for toy turtles. There are quite a few Ninja turtles but that is not what I was looking for. I noticed a toy on a website that was actually very close in its appearance to the original turtle in our book. Sadly the website did not offer a pattern. The search continued…

I found quite a number of patterns for tortoises, but I really wanted to knit a turtle. Perhaps I will get to do a tortoise in due course. In the end I settled for a pattern that is not exactly what I wanted, but it’s a good start.

Have a look in the video below. Let me know what your thoughts are about our new little toy.

I hope you enjoyed the little video and meeting our new toy.

If you are interested in purchasing a copy of “Tuvia Finds His Freedom” in English or in Hebrew or both, you can find it on this website or on Amazon or other online stores. If you would like to order a toy or other hand knitted item, please be in touch to place an order or search our store for any items that are already complete.

Signature for Shoshanah with Web Address

Some of the Beauty of Chanukah in the Old City

Chanukah in the Old City

As we near the end of Chanukah, here are two photographs that show a little of the beauty and fun in the Old City of Jerusalem at Chanukah time. I walked into the Old City and smiled when I noticed these large, over-sized Sevivonim (dreidels) decorating the street as one comes near the entrance to the Jewish Quarter.

Here is another angle. They are so fun.

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Progress and Decisions

We have so much going on that I decided to take a few moments to write a post about our progress and decisions. Just as the image above depicts the ladders up the steps in our process to succeed, so we are taking steps. Many steps. Sometimes I feel that there are not enough hours in the day to complete all the steps. But I must admit, it is wonderful to have a look at all the progress.

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